In the past the battle between the choosing of Macintosh and Personal computer was decided by the amount of application available in the market. Generally, most of the applications that were available were in favor of the PC while the graphic based were utilized by the Macintosh.
Macintosh needed to globalize its use and therefore it created their new computers with the Intel core. This allowed the usage of Windows in the Macintosh as well as the Lion OS of Apple. Fortunately this created wide users for Macintosh as both the Windows lover and Macintosh were united.
The OS X which is used in the Macintosh computer has come through many phases. For example, the OS is used in their phones too. The multi touch pad seems to provide better functionality to the users and increase the computer user interface. The ease in usage and the reliability that is provided by Apple computers is responsible for increasing use of Macintosh in the market.
The greatest advantage of using the Macintosh is about the virus and malware free operation. Yes, you will hardly find any virus in your computer whereas take a look at a PC it is always infected with malwares and Trojans. You don’t even need an antivirus program if you are working over the Apple computer. But in case if you wish to have extra security then you can have an antivirus installed.